Covid Update August 2020
Thank you very much for your continued support to our organization. We are forever grateful.
The government has confirmed re-opening of schools effective September 1, 2020, but has given strict requirements for schools, including the following:
1. Utilizing temperature guns(thermometers) for measuring temperature at every entry point of the school.
2. Availability of an isolation room.
3. Availability of enough hand washing facilities.
4. Adequate space for learners to socially distance. Only single beds are allowed and in a radius of 2 meters apart.
5. Disinfectants for daily cleaning of class floors, walls, furniture, toilets etc.
6. Enough face masks for the school.
7. Availability of soak way pits to dispose of waste water / proper waste disposal management.
8. Each school to employ a full-time nurse.
9. Sufficient bathroom facilities with maximum use due to cleaning requirements. Every toilet to be used by a maximum of ten students.
10. Enough cleaners.
In August a team from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education will visit all schools to vet which ones shall open and which shall remain closed. It’s our prayer that we meet the requirements to re-open, though due to the requirements we shall incur an increase in operating expense.
Warm Regards,